Master of Earth Sciences: Environmental and Applied Geology


The Master of Earth Sciences: Environmental and Applied Geology was first offered at the University of Salamanca (USAL) during the 2010-2011 academic year, having undergone and passed the necessary verification process (through the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation, ANECA, and the Universities Council).

The Master’s degree is designed to unite the increasing demand for interdisciplinary knowledge between various fields of study, including the handling and development of geological materials and their associated resources, environmental conservation and preservation, mitigation of natural disasters, and process modeling. The central objective is to integrate all of these fields at a high academic level with the goal of inciting multidisciplinary understanding regarding the geological processes that affect the environment. As such, students will be able to effectively develop and apply their knowledge to the scientific projects as they carry them out.

The program’s structure is perfectly adapted to the I+D+I concept (Investigation, Development, innovation) utilized in the scientific community, which all the Master’s program teaching staff participates in. The program of study lasts one academic year (60 ECTS) and is structured with the following course breakdown: ten required courses (30 ECTS), seven elective courses (21 ECTS), and the Master’s Thesis (9 ECTS)


Transversal Competencies (TC)

  • TC1-Students will be knowledgeable regarding the application of acquired information and problem-solving abilities in unknown or little-known settings within a larger context (or multidisciplinary context) in relation to the Earth Sciences field.
  • TC2-Students will be capable of integrating acquired knowledge and confronting the complexity of formulating judgments from incomplete or limited information, which includes reflecting upon the social and ethical responsibilities connected to their knowledge and judgment.
  • TC3-Students will be able to communicate clearly and unambiguously their conclusions or findings (and the knowledge and reasoning that support them) to both specialized and unspecialized audiences.
  • TC4-Students will possess the learning skills that allow for continued study of an autonomous or self-directed nature.

Specific Competencies (SC)

  • SC1-In-depth study and integration of the knowledge of the processes (physical, chemical, and biological) that occur on the surface and in the interior of the earth.
  • SC2-The ability to evaluate and handle current environmental processes and the potential associated hazards.
  • SC3-The ability to compile and classify varied types of data and observations applicable to the Earth Sciences field with the goal of formulating and proving hypotheses.
  • SC4-The ability to assess Earth Sciences related research.
  • SC5- Carry out and communicate on research that includes secondary data.
  • SC6-Collect, save, and analyze data using the appropriate field and laboratory techniques.
  • SC7- Perform laboratory and field work in a safe and responsible manner, paying due attention to the assessment of risks, health and safety legislation, and the environmental impact that may accompany those activities.
  • SC8-Prepare, process, interpret, and present data utilizing the appropriate quantitative and qualitative techniques and the appropriate computer programs.
  • SC9-Evaluate issues concerning sample selection, accuracy, precision, and doubt during the collection, recording, and analysis of fieldwork and laboratory data.
  • SC10-The ability to carry out Earth Sciences research projects.

Perfil de Ingreso

For the applicant to benefit from and achieve a satisfactory performance in the Master’s program, it is recommended that he or she have previously studied an undergraduate degree in Geology, Engineering Geology, Environmental Sciences, Mining Engineering, or studies in other related sciences. As such, a successful applicant’s profile should include studies in one of the above degrees or any other undergraduate degree providing basic knowledge of Earth Sciences. The applicant should be especially interested in broadening this knowledge into the environmental and applied aspects of the geological discipline.

Acceso, Preinscripción, Admisión y Matrícula


o Pulse aquí para ver impreso de preinscripción y plazo de solicitud.
o Lugar de presentación o remisión postal: Secretaria de la Facultad de Ciencias

o Documentación complementaria:
1. Currículum vítae
2. Los estudiantes con titulación universitaria no española, pero perteneciente al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior deberán presentar justificación de que en su país el título permite el acceso a Máster.
3. Los estudiantes con titulación universitaria expedida por una institución de educación superior no perteneciente al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior deberán presentar su preinscripción acompañada bien de una copia de la solicitud de equivalencia para el acceso a las enseñanzas oficiales de Máster Universitario, bien de la correspondiente homologación de su título realizada por el Ministerio de Educación
4. Documentación específica exigida según las indicaciones de cada Máster ( consultar la página web de cada Máster)

EQUIVALENCIA (Trámite imprescindible para estudiantes titulados conforme a sistemas educativos ajenos al E.E.E.S. , que no tengan homologado su título)


Pulse aquí para ver la información relativa al trámite de equivalencia y el formulario de solicitud.

 o Lugar de presentación o remisión postal: La solicitud de equivalencia será presentada por los interesados en la Sección de Estudios de Grado y Máster (Patio de Escuelas, 1, 37008 Salamanca)

Se recuerda a los alumnos extranjeros que, a la hora de solicitar el visado en las Representación Diplomáticas de España, se les exigirá que, en la documentación que se aporte para la solicitud de dicho visado, debe figurar la preceptiva Apostilla de la Haya sobre los documentos académicos oficiales. Para más información consulte la página del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España


La Comisión Académica de cada Título realizará la selección de las preinscripciones, pudiendo publicar listas de admitidos el último día de cada mes, en su página web y en el tablón de anuncios del Centro o Instituto coordinador. Se dará comunicación personal a cada uno de los estudiantes preinscritos.

Obligatoriamente, la Comisión Académica del Título publicará un listado de admitidos el día 17 de julio y el listado final el 15 de septiembre.


Los estudiantes admitidos en el listado del día 17 de julio, deberán formarlizar su automatrícula entre el 21 de julio y el 10 de septiembre (salvo el cierre vacacional del mes de agosto).

Los estudiantes admitidos en el listado del día 15 de septiembre, deberán formalizar su automatrícula entre el 16 y el 30 de septiembre.



La información general sobre la oferta formativa de la Universidad de Salamanca se realizará por la página web institucional (

La información sobre legalización de documentos puede consultarse en o contactar con la Sección de Estudios de Grado y Máster (Patio de Escuelas, 1, 37008-Salamanca, Teléfono 923 29 44 00 Ext. 1172 E-mail

La información específica sobre cada uno de los másteres puede obtenerla en el centro al que está adscrito cada máster.


Criterios de Admisión

There exist no admission criteria nor special entrance exams.

In the event that the number of applications is higher than the number of available places, the Academic Commission will select students based upon the adequacy of their studies previous to the Master’s degree. In the case that selection cannot be determined based upon the aforesaid, the Commission will take into account the overall average mark from the applicant’s undergraduate studies.

Apoyo y Orientación

At the beginning of the school year, an orientation will be held for the entire student body in order to assign tutors and provide orientation regarding the conditions and requirements for the completion of the Master’s Thesis. A personalized tutor program will be set up in which each student shall receive a tutor to follow and advise them on their academic activities. Each tutor may bring to the Academic Commission those questions that they consider to be pertinent and necessary of review by the Commission. At the midpoint of the school year, there will be another orientation meeting with the goal of providing students with the criteria for the elaboration and public defense of the Master’s Thesis. At the end of the school year, an informative reunion will be held concerning the possibilities and conditions for continued study in the Geology Doctoral Program.

Additionally, the University of Salamanca provides a University Disability Advisory Service (ADU, that works to improve the integration of disabled students and provides support in developing curricular adaptations. The Service has its offices on the second floor of the Psychology Faculty. Av/ de la Merced 109-131. 37005 Salamanca.

At the institutional level, the University of Salamanca provides the following orientation and support services and to all of its students:

  • -The University Orientation Service (SOU) ( offers individualized education-orientated psychological attention, facilitates connection with the labor market, and advises on topics concerning norms, scholarships and aid, etc.
  • -The Social Affairs Service (SAS) ( offers help and advice to students, and to PAS* and PDI** regarding various areas: social support, international students, disability, volunteer work, elders, mental health, sexuality, language, addiction, and eating disorders.
  • -The University Disability Advisory Service (ADU) ( works to improve the integration of disabled students and provides support in developing curricular adaptations.

Reconocimiento y Transferencia de Créditos


El plazo para presentar solicitudes de reconocimiento de créditos, coincidirá con el plazo de matrícula establecido. El impreso de solicitud, junto con la documentación acreditativa en cada caso, deberá ser presentado en la Secretaría donde se formalice la matrícula. 

Más información sobre la normativa y el formulario.


Guía Académica Curso 2014/2015

Guía académica curso 2022/2023

Salidas académicas y profesionales

 Este máster capacita a los alumnos para el desarrollo de una tesis doctoral; sin embargo, aunque el Máster tiene orientación investigadora, se pretende que no sirva solamente como plataforma hacia el Doctorado sino que sea una formación de alta calidad para las personas que después quieran integrarse en el mercado de trabajo con un mayor grado de especialización en el campo de las Ciencias de la Tierra, concretamente, en los aspectos medioambientales y aplicados de la Geología.

Indicadores de calidad e informes externos

 Este título oficial ha sido sometido a un seguimiento externo por parte de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León (ACSUCYL), habiendo obtenido un informe favorable en 2013.

Becas, ayudas al estudio y a la movilidad


Máster Universitario en Ciencias de la Tierra: Geología ambiental y aplicada
Facultad de Ciencias
Plaza de los Caídos s/n, 37008 Salamanca
+34 923 294 452
